Contact Us
6 Turnpike Lane
Red Lodge
Nr Newmarket
Suffolk IP28 8LF
Phone: 01638 750533
Opening Hours
10am -
by appointment only.
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday
If you are happy with your current living room but feel it just needs a "facelift" and your old sofas, chairs and three piece suite are looking tired, reupholstering your existing furniture could be the cost effective option. It is often a less expensive option than buying new, especially true if your existing furniture is well made and a known brand such as Multiyork, Duresta, Peter Guild, Wesley-
Keep the furniture you love
A benefit of reupholstering is that you retain all the features, shape and style of your existing furniture, especially if it’s comfortable and fits your room size and style. Reupholstering is an excellent way to retain that comfort, while the furniture will look as good as the day it was first made. You may want to add a piece of furniture and match this to your existing suite, and a reupholster is the best solution.
Restored to its former glory
When you re-
Once your favorite pieces of furniture have been upholstered, you can expect it to last many years, in fact at least as long as the original life of your furniture. Great value for money!
Finally, when considering which upholsterer to choose, make sure you select a reputable company like Rhodabourne to carry out your work; you can visit our showroom by prior appointment to view our craftsmanship and discuss your requirements.
Call 01638 750533 between 10am & 4pm Monday to Friday and arrange a free estimate.
Handmade bespoke sofas & chairs, and reupholstery lovingly upholstered in our own workshops in East Anglia.